Metabolic Syndrome – What is it?

by: Junji Takano

We have mentioned metabolic syndrome several times in our articles. However, the term "metabolic syndrome" may seem somewhat difficult to understand for many. Here, I'll explain it in a simple way to help you understand, get healthy, and live longer.

Recently, we often hear the term metabolic syndrome in mass communications and the like. If you translate it, it means "metabolism", "catabolism", or "anabolism". You may still find it hard to understand, haven't you? It's because the word metabolism is not commonly used.

Japanese Man with Metabolic Syndrome

When Metabolism Goes Wrong

None of us is the same as we were yesterday. Obtaining nutrients from food and converting it into energy is necessary to sustain life. In addition, these processes create body components and maintain the growth of the body. This kind of work or mechanism is called "metabolism".

When the function of metabolism becomes abnormal, we refer to it as metabolic syndrome. For example, sugars and fats are converted to energy, and the excess energy is stored in the form of fat and kept as a reserve for times of starvation.

The Importance of Balance

We normally need about 2,000 kcal of energy and about 2,500 ml of water from food daily. Yes, we use these every day to stay active and alive. Therefore, you are consuming about 700,000 kcal and drinking about 1,000 liters of water in one year. However, have you noticed that you are not much different compared to a year ago? You are practically the same size, the same height, and the same weight. There are no significant differences in size, weight, and appearance in our bodies. It is because the metabolic system works to maintain organisms (microorganisms) as uniform as possible.

Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms

The Dangers of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome refers to a state where the stability of metabolism has been disrupted. This irregularity is likely caused by being obese or overweight, and being unable to maintain the body's fat and sugar levels. Furthermore, a disordered metabolic system can have adverse effects like high blood pressure.

Common Causes of Metabolic Syndrome

Overeating and insufficient exercise can trigger insulin resistance (also a form of metabolic syndrome) due to accumulated excess body fats and can also lead to diabetes, increased cholesterol levels in the body, heart diseases, and other heart or blood-related problems.

In other words, the common causes of metabolic syndrome are more likely due to physical inactivity and excessive caloric intake.

Tips for a Healthy Metabolism

Let's drink an appropriate quantity of water every day. Let's maintain a proper diet and exercise daily. Let's take 100 steps of backward walking every morning. Let's think good and do good. Then, you can be healthy both physically and mentally.

For sure, you now understand METABOLIC SYNDROME very well.

About the Author:

Junji Takano, the authorJunji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first and only electrostatic therapy machine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
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