Traditional Remedies Using Vegetables

by: Junji Takano



The portion of root (grated) is applied for external use. It is good for rheumatism, arthritis, stiff neck and shoulders, and other body pains.



The butterbur's medicinal parts are its flower stalk and roots. It contains the medicinal compound “quercetin”, and is effective against cough, fever, and food poisoning. An extract of butterbur works as well as an antitussive, expectorant, and antipyretic.

Green Onion (a.k.a. spring onion, salad onion, or scallion)

Green Onion (spring onion, salad onion, scallion)

The green onion's medicinal part is its stem. It works as well as an antipyretic, expectorant, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. It is effective against colds, headaches, chills to the stomach, indigestion, and also for insomnia. The white stem contains a lot of glucose and allyl sulfides. Use it is a raw condiment to many foods by finely chopping the fresh white stem.



The garlic's medicinal part is its bulb. It is effective against gastrointestinal problems and helps prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and fatigue. It is recommended to eat at least one bulb of garlic every to stay in good health. You can cook one bulb with microwave for 35-40 seconds. It tastes fine without smell.



The carrot's medicinal parts are its root and seed. It contains carotenoid, which is metabolized into vitamin A in humans. It is effective against night blindness and works as well as an anthelmintic. The carrot seed oil extract is used as an herbal medicine and has a good detoxifying effect on the liver.



The leek's medicinal parts are its leaves, seed, and bulb. It is effective against diarrhea and back pain. It also makes the patients feel stronger, more energetic, and generally healthier. For diarrhea, drink plenty of leek stock by simmering 8 to 10 leeks gently for three hours. Cut it into pieces in 2 to 3 liters of water. For back pain, dry the leek seeds and place about 30 to 40 grains in plain water and drink it. This will increase urine output that will help in reducing pain.



The eggplant's medicinal parts are its calyx, leaves, and the fruit. It is effective against food poisoning, warts, breast inflammation, boils, chapped skin, and frostbite. Taking an extract of dried 2 to 3 grams of calyx is effective for food poisoning. For warts, take a thin slice of eggplant that is a little bigger than the wart. Place it onto the affected area and secure it using a duct tape. Do this every night. The wart will disappear in about a week.



Corn is effective against diuresis, kidney inflammation, beriberi, edema, bladder inflammation, and kidney stone. Making a soup by boiling corn silk and drinking it every day for about a month will help dissolve kidney stones.

Chili Pepper

Chili Pepper

Chili pepper contains the active ingredient “capsaicin”, which is effective against indigestion, anorexia or appetite loss, gastritis, inflammation of the shoulder, stiff neck, lower back pain, chilblains, and muscle pains. Taking 0.03-0.1 grams of dried chili pepper powder will help in indigestion, loss of appetite, and gastritis. Applying chili pepper externally will help in relieving stiff neck, lower back pain, and chilblains.



The radish's medicinal parts are its seeds, roots, and leaves. It is effective against diarrhea, cough, and food poisoning. It promotes proper digestion and helps relieve cold symptoms. The dried seed contains 30% fatty oil and small amount of essential oils that have medicinal properties as described above. Radish contains amylase, which promotes proper digestion. Drinking radish juice added with a little sugar and grated ginger will help relieve cough. For eliminating cold, dry the radish leaves and place it into the hot bathtub.



Watermelon is effective against diuresis, kidney inflammation, bladder inflammation, and beriberi and swelling. Watermelon contains excellent source of amino acids and carotenoid pigments. Taking one cup once or three times a day of watermelon juice is found to be effective for diuretic and kidney diseases.



The ginger's medicinal part is its underground stem called “rhizome”. It is effective against diarrhea, abdominal pain, cold, and cough. Ginger contains pungent components, primarily zingerone, formed from ginger during drying or cooking. It also contains essential oils like monoterpenes, which is responsible for its aroma. In folk medicine, consumption of 3-5 grams of ginger will help in diarrhea. A hot drink with green onion and grated ginger is effective in cold and cough. Consumption of one gram of dried, powdered ginger root will help in nausea. For motion sickness, ginger root is taken few days before travel and every day during the trip.



The potato's medicinal part is its swollen underground stem called “tuber”. It works as well as an analgesic and antispasmodic. It is effective against gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and burns. To use the potato for gastric and duodenal ulcers, wash the potatoes well, remove the sprouts, and grate it. Place it in a cheesecloth and squeeze it to remove its juice. Drink 1/2 cup of this juice before meals three times a day to be effective against these ulcerous conditions. Potato also contains atropine, an analgesic substance that helps in easing gastrointestinal pain. The juice combined with potato peels is also considered a good remedy for topical burns.


Taro LeavesTaro

The taro's medicinal parts are its stem and tuber. It is effective against bruise, sprain, arthritis, and tonsillitis. Taro is rich in fiber, and it contains iron, calcium, and potassium, that will give beneficial effect on the nervous system. For bruise, sprain, and arthritis, grate the whole taro and mix it with equal amount of flour. Add about one percent of grated ginger and a little salt and mix. Make a patch of about one centimeter thick of taro paste using a piece of cloth. Place it on the affected area of the skin until it dries.



The cucumber's medicinal parts are its fruit and vine. It has diuretic effects and is effective against swelling, heat exhaustion, burns, and heat rash. Daily consumption of about 10 grams of sliced cucumbers can reduce swelling. Juice taken from cucumber is also very good for burns or heat rash. Apply the juice to the affected areas of the skin.



The pumpkin's medicinal parts are its seeds. It works as well as a diuretic and anthelmintic, and helps prevent cough, cold, and flu. Pumpkin seeds include a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, and are also known to lower cholesterol.

There are hundreds of vegetables around us, and they are all good for our health. Try to make daily recipes reasonable so that we can keep ourselves healthy. Vegetable power can eradicate world maladies. That's how God make us to live well.

About the Author:

Junji Takano, the authorJunji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first and only electrostatic therapy machine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
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